Our 2019 Youth Hunter Education Camps will run June 30 – July 5, July 7-12, July 14-19 and July 21-26. Registration forms are available for download on our website. Don’t be disappointed as the camps traditionally sell out quickly. As I write this we are almost 70% sold out.

The 2019 Outdoor Youth Seminar is slated for August 23-25. I am still working on the logistics and will have it completed soon. To be placed on our Advance Notification list please email your request to edmontoninfo@aheia.com. Those on the list will receive registration information as soon as it is finalized.

Our Range Officer Workshop runs April 27 followed by our Shotgun Coaching Workshop on April 28. Both events will be held at our Alford Lake facility and registration forms are available for download at www.aheia.com. These workshops are open to all AHEIA instructors in good standing. For more information or to register please contact me directly at len@aheia.com. Space is limited and we are starting to fill up so don’t delay.

Please mark June 6, 2019 on your calendars. We will be holding our sixth annual Spring Fling Banquet in Edmonton at the Silvermoon Banquets on that day. Same great location as in previous years, only the name has changed. For more information please contact me directly at len@aheia.com. We are already working diligently to make the 2019 event another great affair. Tickets are now available through our Edmonton office. Purchase your tickets no later than Wednesday, May 1 by noon and you will be entered into our Early Bird Draw. Up for grabs is a 597 Remington .22 caliber semi-automatic rifle with grey synthetic stock, detachable 10 round magazine and extra 30 round magazine. Also includes soft gun case, cleaning kit and 325 rounds of .22 LR ammunition. Retail value $405. Hope to see you there!

Coming soon. Check our website regularly for the updated list of items that will be up for grabs at the Spring Fling Banquet. They will be added as we procure them.

We continue to look for volunteer support for all of our courses, camps, events, etc. If you, or any of our friends, wish to become part of something greater please let me know. Giving back has great personal rewards. It really does make one feel great when they volunteer. At the end of the day, the more help we get the better for all involved.

If you are a Canadian Firearms Program instructor who still needs to teach courses to comply with their commitment with the CFO we can help. If you are having difficulty teaching the required number of courses per year, simply contact the Edmonton or Calgary office and we will get you to assist with teaching one of our in-house courses. Perhaps you would like to attend one of our classes as a refresher, either way we could use the help and it is a positive situation for everyone.

Well spring is almost here (fingers crossed) and my thoughts always turn to spring black bear hunting. Baiting black bears tends to be a lot of work but the effort and rewards make it well worthwhile. It is very enjoyable watching bears come into your site. I have learned a lot about their habits which has made me into a more successful hunter. I have written a few articles on the subject over the years. Check out our 2016 Spring Conservation Education Magazine for ‘Spring Black Bear Hunting’ and our 2018 Spring edition contains ‘Black Bear Tips’. Back issues of our magazine can be located on our website. I hope you have as much fun chasing bears as I have over the last 40 years or so.

We have been experiencing a few issues with the firearms kits that instructors borrow. Each kit is inspected when it returns to ensure everything is in order and nothing is missing. Each kit also has an inventory list so that instructors can ensure that the correct items get returned. Frequently instructors will borrow multiple firearms kits. Often little attention to detail takes place and the kits are returned mixed up. This requires us to spend a fair amount of time re-sorting the kits. Also, kit dummy ammunition is missing, or other un-approved ammunition gets added. If there are issues with the firearms kit we simply ask that you put a note in the gun case. Any questions please contact Chuck Strong or me at the Edmonton office.

Take care and enjoy the Great Outdoors.


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