All those who are tired of the COVID-19 virus raise your hand!
It seems like things are starting to improve and that the Alberta Government is doing their best at safely opening up new opportunities. Hopefully, things will start to return to some semblance of normality with what we used to enjoy and take for granted. We will still need to remain vigilant and take precautions.
It was a very difficult decision we had to make when we recently cancelled our 2020 Youth Hunter Education Camps. The ultimate goal was to make certain that our participants, volunteers and staff remain safe. During my phone conversations with the parents it was very evident that, even though they did not like having the camps cancelled, they agreed with the decision.
We hope to have the 2021 Youth Hunter Education Camp registration forms available in the near future. Look for it on our new and improved website or email us at and we will place you on our notification list. The 2021 camps will run July 4-9, July 11-16, July 18-23 and July 25-30. Our camps still remain very popular so I always encourage anyone who is interested to register as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment.
Due to the ever-present COVID-19 threat, we were forced to cancel our Seventh Annual Spring Fling fundraising banquet. Please mark June 3, 2021, on your calendars. We will be holding our next Spring Fling Banquet in Edmonton at the Silvermoon Banquets on that day. Same location as in previous years. For more information please contact me directly at
On May 6, 2020, AHEIA President Robert Gruszecki released a memorandum regarding the re-start of teaching the CFSC and CRFSC once again. The memorandum also indicated that AHEIA will not be booking out Deactivated Firearms kits at this time due to the high risk of virus transmission on metal surfaces. I have received numerous calls regarding this and would just like to remind you that you are able to utilize your own personal firearms for your courses. The only stipulation is that they MUST be disabled. The minimum standard is the complete removal of the firing pin to render them inoperable. Please remember that ‘live’ firearms can NOT be used during any firearms courses, handling or testing.
There also seems to be some confusion as to what the role of a Proctor really is. Below is an excerpt from the 2017 Safety Course Standards each instructor had to sign to utilize Proctors:
2.5.1. Only designated instructors shall be involved in the delivery and administration of the CFSC and CRFSC except under these circumstances;
2.5.2. Prior to an instructor utilizing the proctors’ assistance, an instructor will submit a proctor application to the CFO for review and approval.
2.5.3. Prior to an instructor utilizing the proctors’ assistance, the potential proctor will undergo a Vulnerable Sector check and a Criminal Records check and provide them to the CFO or Delivery Agent.
2.5.4. An instructor is authorized to utilize the assistance of a proctor to assist in the set-up of a room for a course or test, administering the course report and test paperwork, supervising a test room to ensure fairness during the written CFSC/CRFSC test and scoring written tests.
2.5.5. A proctor is not authorized to answer any student questions related to the written tests before, during or after the test, or assist, monitor, supervise, or answer any student question related to a practical firearm test.
2.5.6 A proctor assisting an instructor in the set-up of firearms for instruction or a practical test must possess a valid non-restricted PAL for the CFSC and a valid restricted PAL for the CRFSC.
2.5.7 An instructor is responsible for the conduct and actions of a proctor during a CFSC/CRFSC or test. A violation of this agreement by a proctor must be reported within 5 business days to the CFO or Delivery Agent by the instructor employing the proctor.
2.5.8 No compensation for the proctor will be incorporated into the CFSC/CRFSC course costs.
Should you have any questions on the Proctor program please contact John Morrissey at or myself at for assistance. Utilizing a Proctor can be a very valuable asset.
With the pandemic lockdown, it has become excessively difficult for new volunteers to start getting involved. Nonetheless, we continue to look for volunteer support for all of our courses, camps, events, etc. as well as with our day-to-day office workings. Please consider becoming part of something greater and, if interested, please let me know.
Take care and enjoy the Great Outdoors.