Our Youth Hunter Education Camps continue to be very popular events. The interest in the outdoors and hunting-associated activities continues to remain of interest to our young people. This is very inspiring, considering this modern era of social media and other electronic distractions. I am extremely pleased to report that we have another keen group of new youngsters who joined the hunting/outdoor fraternity. Welcome aboard! The latest group to pass through our Alford Lake facility showed a great deal of interest in the subject matter and were very anxious to do well, so that they could pass the courses and make their parents and grandparents proud. They definitely accomplished that. Some of you might not be aware of what our Youth Hunter Education Camp consists of. The camp is a five-day event of fun-filled learning activities. Experts share their knowledge and provide instruction in the Alberta Conservation and Hunter Education Program, the Canadian Firearms Safety Course, and much more. The cost for the 2022 Youth Hunter Education Camp was a great value at $395.00 per person plus GST. This fee included lodging, breakfast, lunch and supper Monday through Thursday, and breakfast on Friday. Also included were all instruction, course handbooks and testing for the various certifications as well as an AHEIA camp T-shirt. Upon successful completion of the appropriate exams, students were certified in the Alberta Conservation and Hunter Education Program and the Canadian Firearms Program. They then qualify to apply for their Wildlife Identification Number (WIN Card) and were able to apply for their Minors Permit for firearms. Thanks to the Alberta Conservation Association for their ongoing program which offers WIN Card reimbursement to youngsters under 18 who successfully complete the Alberta Conservation and Hunter Education course. Len Gransch Program Coordinator AHEIA Edmonton Our 2022 Youth Hunter Education Camps ran July 3-8, July 10-15, July 17-22 and July 24-29. If you missed out on our 2022 camps and wish to be placed on our 2023 notification list, please email us at edmontoninfo@aheia.com and we will make sure you are included next year. The 2023 camps will run July 2-7, July 9-14, July 16-21 and July 23-28. We are considering offering one of these weeks as an Advanced Youth Hunter Education Camp. Many parents are asking for an upgraded version of our regular Youth Hunter Education Camp which would provide advanced training in numerous facets of hunter education, while still making it a fun experience. Upon successful completion of the appropriate sessions, students will be certified in the Advanced Youth Hunter Education Program. Students will receive advanced firearms training including shotgun, centerfire, rimfire, black powder and firearms maintenance. Other components could be field techniques, map, compass and GPS skills, upgraded survival training (including an overnight stay in the woods), wilderness first aid, game care, blood trailing, scents and game calling, use of blinds, and much more. If you are interested please let me know ASAP. Thanks to all the parents, grandparents and guardians who volunteered at our camps. Without your tireless dedication and effort, these camps would not be possible. A special thanks to all the CFP instructors who volunteered to help with the firearms handling and practical exams. On July 27 we had a special guest attend the camp. Alberta Chief Firearms Officer Teri Bryant dropped by for a visit. Dr. Bryant was interested in seeing how the Canadian Firearms Program was affecting our youngsters. She was introduced to the students, parents and volunteers, whereupon she had a question and answer session just before lunch and was quite impressed with the process. I was very pleased with the quality of the questions the students asked Dr. Bryant. She stayed for lunch, then was given a tour of our facility. A very positive experience for all involved. Take care and enjoy